
Howover is how you can get things done over the web. Each of our products and services is developed with the average client in mind, making them user-friendly and easy to use. Founded in 2021, this platform is continuing to grow as its founder pursues his passion to provide the most comprehensive and authoritative guidance that you deserve.

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It is recommended for the users to view this website in any browser built on the latest Chromium Embedded Framework for an optimal browsing experience. You can even have Cookie and JavaScript support disabled in your browser as it's optional for the core functionality of this website due to the progressive enhancement development approach that this website uses.


This website is coded, published, and maintained by its founder and would like to take this opportunity to thank the continuous hard work of developers and contributors behind the following:

  • PHP for providing an open-source general-purpose scripting language for web development;
  • JavaScript for providing a scripting language to implement complex features on web pages;
  • Web APIs for providing an interface to easily implement complex JavaScript features;
  • Bootstrap for providing an open-source CSS framework to develop responsive websites;
  • Stack Overflow, GitHub, Reddit, and every other developer platform for answering;
  • Bootstrap Icons for graphic vectors; and
  • Everyone or anyone who is directly or indirectly involved.

If you still have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.